Elder Carvalho on 27 Jun 2017 20:59:27
Please provide the ability to export PowerBI Embedded reports to excel. The same functionality that exists on PBI Service.
It is important to also increase export limit.
- Comments (17)
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
Not having the ability to export to Excel from PBI Embedded is extremely frustrating for customers, especially when it is available from PBI Service
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
It's a good idea
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
i want it too
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
Having the functionality as an option when leveraging Power BI Embedded is causing confusion when attempting to push out reports to the user community. Should be able to export in excel along with csv. or eliminate the option of excel when leveraging PowerBI Embedded.
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
This would be a great feature to have, not everyone can have power bi pro to export
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
Would be useful also for embedded reports from power bi report server
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
i want it too
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
It will help when we provide reports to customers. The feature could be available to embedded and web reports.
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
You already have this feature in SSRS, would be great to have it in PowerBI too.
RE: Export to Excel from PowerBI Embedded
hi to all
Any update on this review?