Viktor Ferenczi on 06 Apr 2016 19:30:10
We often have additional statistical information on our data points, like min/max, standard deviation (error), percentiles, etc.
It would be nice to be able to render at least error bars showing the confidence interval for our data points.
Standard deviation could be provided on a separate column which we could drag into the visual.
It would be nice to have this basic feature in the base product without having to install custom visuals. (I could not find a custom visual for this either.)
- Comments (22)
RE: Error bars
Yes, this is essential, we need people to understand the intelligence not just the data and without this people fixate on hard values. Really need to be able to integrate CIs / error bars into as much of this as possible please.
RE: Error bars
Standard deviations is a critical visualization for all our work. I'd really love this feature because we do them in other tools today.