Kevin Mullins on 31 Oct 2014 10:26:19
The charts on the Dashboard and Reports very much need data labels to show values without the need to hover over the charts.
- Comments (25)
RE: Data labels for charts
really want/ need this. I have some cases with a bar chart, where one value dwarfs the others (5900+ vs 31 vs 34) and just putting labels over the smallest bars would help immensely. especially when trying to print/copy images/etc, which you can't do with tooltips. (or touch!)
RE: Data labels for charts
Yes, definitely would be nice to keep what we have today as the basics for reporting with Power View, provide the data label options:)
RE: Data labels for charts
this was the first thing my Business Manager said as well. Execs don't want to have to guess on figures.
RE: Data labels for charts
Agreed - when showing a prototype to my VPs, that was one of the first comments.
On the Retail Sales Analysis example, when you click on "Sales by Square Feet", the "Average Selling Size by Chain" has a bar graph with the value of the bar displayed. I tried to figure out how you did that but couldn't. :(
RE: Data labels for charts
Its needed, definitely