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Sorting ability for reports in

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TJ Brown's profile image

TJ Brown on 10 Feb 2015 03:08:47

Currently, there's no sorting mechanism for the reports in We need a mechanism to sort categories by their associated measure values.

Comments (14)
TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

e4a7a26e da0e-4853-a4b7-c9abf3563aa7 on 05 Jul 2020 22:30:33

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

Agree, this is not fixed. Need to sort by count of values within a month, so the categories with the largest counts show at the bottom of the stacked column.

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

41b3c6a0 e41c-e811-813a-e0071b6ad011 on 05 Jul 2020 22:29:31

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

This is NOT completed you Liars at Microsoft!!!!

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

6b5bc4d1 18cd-4c82-9075-eea078528f73 on 05 Jul 2020 22:24:25

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

I'm going through the same issue. For some reason, I can't sort my data by sale amount as it is pre formatted to sort my data by alphabetical order after drilling it down. Is there anything I can do to fix this?

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

c964267d 7169-4331-b350-2298e64fbbd1 on 05 Jul 2020 22:22:17

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

I'm having this same issue. Creating a dashboard for responses to a survey. I have stacked bar graphs that show number of responses from 'strongly disagree' to 'strongly agree', but Power BI sorts these alphabetically which makes no sense on the chart. I obviously need to have negative responses in red on the left, and positive responses in green on the right and I can't figure this out. It seems like such a basic function I don't know how this isn't already possible.

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

91e8e61d f319-4a35-b86b-9274fca716b0 on 05 Jul 2020 22:18:23

RE: Sorting ability for reports in


I imported data from excel.When I create a line graph the days are not displayed in order (i.e on the x-axis it displays Monday Sunday Thursday...)

Please assist

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

07d290db ee9f-4eb5-a467-87b61d5de0c7 on 05 Jul 2020 22:14:46

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

If you click on the "..." on the top right of the chart, there is an option to "Sort by". Choose the field that you see fit.

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

51af7a26 29e1-4bb2-8bdd-f3007eab72ab on 05 Jul 2020 22:06:45

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

Please provide option to sort on Month as shown in the example of the Power BI app.

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

aed1fd17 fa23-48c1-979a-4ca553fec611 on 05 Jul 2020 22:04:27

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

Will - on May 11, you said the next Power BI update would include the ability to sort one column by another. Please list the steps to sort by another column here. I can't find it. Thx

Will Thompson (Product Manager, Power BI, Microsoft Power BI) commented · May 11, 2015 09:37 · Flag as inappropriate
In the next release of the Power BI Designer we'll expose the ability to sort one column by another (as you could in PowerPivot).

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

2189ed83 43ab-4e12-aabc-850f86e25fdd on 05 Jul 2020 22:04:18

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

Any updates on this topic?? I'll be a really helpful feature... tahnks!!

TJ Brown's profile image Profile Picture

f10eb0bc 4331-4ebf-8e3d-b132b79714c8 on 05 Jul 2020 22:02:59

RE: Sorting ability for reports in

Hi Will. Right clicking on a bar graph does not bring up any menu. It is not sorted by date and I need it to be. Can you advise ? Regards, Keith