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Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

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Brett Nodello's profile image

Brett Nodello on 19 Sep 2017 00:26:55

The current drill through capability does not appear to consider an active filter/slicer value for a visual unless the dimension being filtered is included in the parent visual. I think it would be helpful if it did.

For example; a table of customers subject to a slicer for specific stores should pass on both the customer and store values if these dimensions are both listed as drill through filters.

Administrator on 09 May 2018 05:25:11

As of the May 2018 release of Power BI Desktop you can now define your drillthrough to 'Keep all filters' which will apply the selections from slicers and other visuals to the target page as well.

Comments (52)
Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

55e90c01 fb03-45e7-a78a-5df3a9bf4fae on 05 Jul 2020 23:08:56

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

This is a must have. Drill down is necessary.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

dc751be5 429a-4fdb-af65-1dd2711db5b5 on 05 Jul 2020 23:08:41

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

This is a very important feature and I hope it will be included in the next update.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

a46719f1 6075-4fb4-a9b1-a3f45bba0e6e on 05 Jul 2020 23:08:36

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

This is a must have.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

5a4521b7 17fe-4ddf-a179-4cfcc504f088 on 05 Jul 2020 23:07:59

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

We need a date range that will send the customer to differnet page with the exact date range.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

32aa2a97 b543-41e3-ab58-abf565825016 on 05 Jul 2020 23:07:41

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

'+1, my customers need this

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

f7c7a38e f04e-4ba1-8310-2c803175115d on 05 Jul 2020 23:07:22

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

If someone is using the date ranges and is trying to drill through on e.g. customers category to see a volume of sales - it is a necessary feature.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

f163201e c2e2-40ef-bdc0-ae3a6e7f0c63 on 05 Jul 2020 23:07:20

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

This is super important & urgent in term of analytical story designed in Power BI and should be basic feature of any analytics tool. Please prioritize this first than any other features.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

f1ab0820 263c-e811-a959-000d3a1be90a on 05 Jul 2020 23:07:11

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

I was hoping that the December release would have fixed this major flaw. we desperately need a fix for the Drillthrough feature. We need the full context of the report including all filters and slicers to be passed to the target report.
BTW, I believe this feature should be called Drillacross not Drill through, but anyway.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

f1ab0820 263c-e811-a959-000d3a1be90a on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:51

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

It would be great if we can get an update from the PowerBI team on this request. I agree with ALL the comments below especially cbaillis that this feature is basically half built and could create major issues with end users. Please prioritize this as super urgent.

Brett Nodello's profile image Profile Picture

aa30898e be97-4f7a-90cf-b3cf6a440425 on 05 Jul 2020 23:06:36

RE: Drill through that considers slicer/filter context of a parent visual

Hi relatively new to PBI.

Ditto to all the aforementioned points particularly about having working slicer and filters elements not part of the parent report. In my case, a matrix report that also allow users to select different row/column level of details.

One addition feature request is to consider having a working drill through target page report with data supported by one set of table/models that are different from the parent page report source tables, as long as the "drill through filters" or fields listed on the target page can be explicitly "matched" or defined a filter relationship from the parent to the target page report.

For example, the parent page report is a high-level summarized (by account) P&L with data come from a financial ledger table, while the target drill through page report reflects detailed information (like account, cost center, detail description, other statistical fields and etc) from a journal line table. In a typical ERS, financial data from the journal line table are posted and aggregated to the ledger table at the account level. In defining the drill through filters for the target page, one should be able to explicitly define the account field listed in the ledger table is matched with the account field listed in the journal line, cost center from ledger is matched with cost center from journal line and etc. This way, drill through to another page can effectively provide a new way of viewing different type of related detail information from tables other than those tables supporting the parent page report.