M on 18 Dec 2015 00:04:18
Ability to select multiple columns (using ctrl/shift) for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop in the Data mode
- Comments (28)
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
It would be even more useful if we could select multiple columns at once for all functionality -- renaming part of the columnName, change Type, etc.
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
It would be even more useful if we could select multiple columns at once for all functionality -- renaming part of the columnName, change Type, rearranging, etc.
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
It would be even more useful if we could select multiple columns at once for rearranging, renaming part of columnName, changing Type, etc.
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
This is absolutely ABSURD that we have to do this manually.
This feature should have been included already - common sense
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
oh plz do it this is killing me :'(
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
What a torture, ple pls urgently look into this.
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
THIS IS KILLING MY WILL TO LIVE! Please help us be more agile!
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
It would be nice to allow the public of a report, as a way of interacting with the data, to be able to hide and unhide columns from a clustered Column. Switch visibility of columns on or off.
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
Just spent over 30 minutes deleting fields. Power BI should make creating reports and dashboards easier and not more tedious.
RE: select multiple columns for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop
it is so frustrating to have to make 3 mouse clicks for every single field i want to hide in my report. please allow Ctrl+click to select multiple!! it is just an intuitive thing to be able to do... surprised it still hasn't been addressed.