Daniel wu on 12 Jul 2015 01:13:50
is it possible to add support for "duration" data type in the report view as in Power Query?
- Comments (180)
RE: field of "duration" type
it will be useful to have this duration. please.
RE: field of "duration" type
Yes! Time duration please!
RE: field of "duration" type
We need support to Duration Data Type, please!!
RE: field of "duration" type
Hello PerBI Team, amazing job what you've done so far. Can we please have "time duration" on X axis ..so that I can show Sales by every hour in a given day, for example. Thank you.
RE: field of "duration" type
Looking from the "user of the report" point of view: you dont want to calculate / transform a digital time (example: 1. 5 to 1:30 (hh:mm) format) .
So a duration format in the report modus form the enduser point of view is in mi opinion a high priority (in the end; they are the persons we developers are working for)
RE: field of "duration" type
Any idea as to when this will be sorted out? Seems crazy that this isnt included as yet. Plus it creates lack of depth when trying to pursue KPI generation as one has to do that in an alternate program. Very frustrating
RE: field of "duration" type
A real duration file type? Thanks a lot
RE: field of "duration" type
Please get this fixed guys. How is it an option to format as duration in the query editor but can't be used in tabular view??
RE: field of "duration" type
This is a bit of a showstopper right now.
Prefered solution from my perspective is to base this on seconds.
ie. you input a whole number or decimal second value and get Power BI gives you options how you want to present it.
Dream scenario would be to have checkboxes for what you want to have as part of the value:
years, months, days, hours, min, seconds, milliseconds.
or just a couple of preconfigured settings:
d hh:mm:ss
and so on.
RE: field of "duration" type
True/Scientific Duration is needed
Example: Decay time 1000 seconds
Example: Cooling time 90 minutes
Example: Weekly opening hours 70:30