Not sure why this is not offered as it is a basic reporting function of most products
this is seriously a bug and a defect in my opiniion
PS it is an easy customization to remove the dependency between picking work and scheduling .
I just created the same idea I realize. I see no business justification to make a dependency between having picking work that is not finished and wanting to reschedule the order. We have manufacturing customers of big equipment. The final assembly prod order will take weeks. Picking work is generated many times, as the materials are slowly arriving. There is always some open picking work somewhere, while the workers are completing the routing operations. When they do complete an operation, the "Update capacity plan" parameter = yes will try to schedule the prod order to it will off-load the hours of that operation, but that is not possible . So our capacity load is too high, making it unreliable for the capacity planner. Without adv warehousing we would not dream of having a dependency between scheduling and picking. Why do we have it now?
This is long overdue.
I wanted to additional information to the why to this request. The text amount could be limited to even 100 characters or less. When interacting with service guys, they ask about part numbers all the time for nuts, bolts etc. Our in house support lab even creates a "common parts" list. So the text balloon was for placing the part number near a specific part for a specific process.
Because in a service situation with normal paper work instruction the guy will have his service truck outside with parts in it. He starts the service procedure and will have times that he needs to go out to his truck to get some parts. And some of the bolts types are the same size but the have different "break" strengths. Those break strengths are an additional built in mechanical safety features i.e. the bolt breaks to protect the machinery or operators from operating beyond a certain threshold. So select the right bolt is critical is some areas.
Customizations should be shared through security roles and not through import/export.
Think of it as an EnumRef in the same manner as RecordRef and FieldRef. You would then have access to all the functionality of any Enum.
I have talked to two of my colleagues in Abakion who I think nows everything about inventory costing in Business Central. And they totally agree with Thomas and Denise in this matter. Let's get the functionality back in Business Central.
Sune Lohse
Needed as Standard for Event Management Reminder E-Mails. If Trigger is based on Delay and not deadline, the Reminder can be sent after the actual event has taken place - Very bad...