Please get this fix ASAP for seamless visualizations.
Kyvos Connector for Power BI is the need of the hour.
We need this Connector to seamlessly connect Power BI to Kyvos for interactive visualization and quick response times for our Power BI dashboards.
Would be good to be able to create system/personal views for Notes. I can do that in Advanced Find but unable to see from Activities or add view as a subgrid
We need this feature as well, our consumers are requesting for this feature.
The OnValidatePaymentTermsCodeOnBeforeValidateDueDate event has been found in version 16.3, a workaround is available that involves extension development.
A lot of customers and, probably more importantly, prospects who run jobs over a long period of time use this type of billing. This would be a good addition to the Jobs module and answer a lot of questions.
Oops - this is a duplicate of another Idea, titled "Related information pane size should be resizeable."
I have also the same issue, I use image as background and placed some visuals on top of image and image set as a back. It looks good but when users accidentally click on the image, it covers all the visuals/KPI which doesn't looks good.
Great idea !
Currently, I tend to remove my tooltips cause they appear too quickly. Pity
I think this has been completed now!