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ca426130 e135-ea11-a813-000d3a579c35 on 05 Sep 2020 20:27:25


The status should get changed to "Reconciled" even when there is no transactions in bank statement. The requirement is related to Advanced Bank Reconcliliation.

Hi Hermann,

Till the time, you can add a column "Total Lines" along with the status on the bank statements form, this would help the customer to identify the status "Validated" along with zero lines in the Column "Total Lines".

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ca426130 e135-ea11-a813-000d3a579c35 on 05 Sep 2020 19:18:36


Hi Francisco,
Please elaborate the requirement as it is not descriptive enough to understand and think further for this requirement.

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ca426130 e135-ea11-a813-000d3a579c35 on 05 Sep 2020 19:04:25


To achieve the purpose, we generally create a separate Journal name and in the Journal control setup, only Account type Bank are allowed to ensure that only Bank to Bank transactions can be done through this journal. This way we fulfil the given purpose.

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ca426130 e135-ea11-a813-000d3a579c35 on 05 Sep 2020 19:00:28


This requirement is somewhat confusing!
You want to get the records after filtering with Vendor account. The path provided: Accounts Payable >> Payments >> Vendor Payment Journals is just to open the form for making payments.

In case you want to filter the posted journals that are having the particular vendor, you can use the Advanced Filter Option on the form and add join with table VendTrans , thereafter you can filter with particular vendor.

For unposted journals, the record is not saved in the vendor trans, so a report in the General Ledger Module with name "General Journals that have not been posted" can fulfil your purpose; in that report all the unposted ledger journals can be checked.


if you are asking about some report, please provide the correct path if i have mistakenly understood the requirement.

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8b0dca87 14ed-452f-93d9-8280ee0c7c61 on 05 Sep 2020 17:44:47


Seems like a completely reasonable request. If people have demanded access to this feature for the Power BI Service you can safely assume those of us paying for and using premium embedded services would like this service too!

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ca426130 e135-ea11-a813-000d3a579c35 on 05 Sep 2020 06:52:04


Without resolution of these issues, we are not able to suggest this feature of correction in the bank reconciliation form to any of our customers. Please consider the same for better implementation of this feature as it helps customer to pass the correction entries without need to create a separate general for it (as this was the original thought process behind the feature).

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ca426130 e135-ea11-a813-000d3a579c35 on 05 Sep 2020 06:40:17


Related party name is very much required while doing the bank reconciliation manually from the system. It helps to ensure that correct lines are being reconciled with reference to party. Since, it is available for normal one to one line entry, there might be some design flaw that it is not working for multi lines entries. It is request to Microsoft team to consider this requirement.

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74596956 467e-ea11-a812-000d3a8faea9 on 04 Sep 2020 15:51:58



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74596956 467e-ea11-a812-000d3a8faea9 on 04 Sep 2020 15:51:48



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f3128011 3054-4452-86e0-4756f0ba3734 on 04 Sep 2020 14:19:28


This would be a great feature