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9d90a799 c8bd-e611-80fb-5065f38a7b91 on 10 Sep 2020 05:56:57


This would be helpful.

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3f04f55c 26f3-ea11-a815-000d3a8faea9 on 10 Sep 2020 05:32:23


Please provide the attachment functionality on all the service management documents the same as the Link function that available everywhere in NAV version. it will help a lot, otherwise, the customer who needs to upgrade from NAV to BC will be really disappointed. Many thanks!

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a89d333a 7707-e811-8138-e0071b6ad011 on 10 Sep 2020 05:18:55


Hi, printing attachments and notes is possible in the standard application. Will post something on by blog that demonstrates this. Best regards, Ludwig

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3f8e6b6b 02f3-ea11-a815-000d3a8b3802 on 10 Sep 2020 01:17:18


$60,000+ a year just to publish a report is insane. This needs to be changed to Pro ASAP!! Our company spent weeks drawing up Proof of Concepts with paginated reports and interactive dashboards, only to scrap it all because a Premium Workspace was the only option and it is WAY, WAYYYY out of our budget. Now we're using SAP Crystal Reports instead because it is literally 1/10th of the price and only a one-off purchase, not a annual recurring commitment.

Tl;dr either make Premium A LOT cheaper, or allow Pro to publish paginated reports.

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0ab716de c6f3-e611-8103-5065f38a2b21 on 09 Sep 2020 22:28:22


This is very much Required on E-commerce Platform

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0ab716de c6f3-e611-8103-5065f38a2b21 on 09 Sep 2020 22:27:00


Do we have any feedback on this Feature

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fa4e3457 86d8-e911-a812-000d3a4f15f1 on 09 Sep 2020 19:12:15


This is better pseudo code for an EnumRef that would mimic RecordRef and FieldRef functionality.

MyEnumRef: EnumRef;
MyName: Text;
MyCaption: Text;
MyEnumRef := EnumRef.GetEnum(Enum::MyEnum);
for each MyName in MyEnumRef.Names do begin
MyCaption := Format(MyName);
if MyCaption MyName then begin
Message('Mismatched Name: %1 and Caption: %2', MyName, MyCaption);

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e330fd89 baf2-ea11-a815-000d3a563be2 on 09 Sep 2020 16:40:27


To the people asking for a third party workaround I found BI Helper ( Search for the Matrix Solution. It's not free tho but with the demo I can tell it's great

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19cdd776 b2ce-4db7-aa99-6b5aba0e6edd on 09 Sep 2020 16:32:53


My company, a SMB, has the SQL Server with Quality Assurance package together with Power BI Pro. Spending another 60K plus a year for Paginated Reports will be out of our budget. Having paginated reports included with Pro would also really make sense in migrating all of our SAS reporting into Power BI. We are looking at a further where all our reporting solutions will be hosted on Power BI

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5b2991de c5ef-465a-8004-c9c3fef7af1d on 09 Sep 2020 16:00:39


it's been 3 years i can't believe this functionality hasn't come true yet