Would be nice to have a pipedrive (sales crm) integration
The tiles should display the time period of the data within... and either being able to change the timeframe on a tile or on the entire dashboard. This is a big concern for me in Salesforce Reporting. I want to be able to perhaps look at activity on one page that might show 90 days, 180, and 365 ...
Please upgrade the feature of Exporting Power BI reports to Excel which will include all the items present in the report. Currently Power BI reports exports only the individual visualization(Table/Matrix) by clicking on "..." options but instead we want to export the whole report at once. ...
Please add line format pane that allows for selecting to insert dotted or dashed line. Currently, all the most common line adjustments are only for lines that are part of line charts, not for lines inserted as a shape.
add new feature to enable the developers to adding new fonts type, or enable the power bi to access the fonts in the windows
It would be super nice if I could move visual level filters to page level filter, instead of have to make a new, that is the same that I just have made in visual filter
Ability to display values in a scatter plot. Today you can only select the series name (details). I think would be good to have the name and the value (size) or other parameters of the bubble.
Enable SQL data source properties configuration when SQL connection is create. This way, will be possible use features like SQL Server 2016 Always Encrypted, that needs the propertie "Column Encryption Setting=enabled". If it's possible, I don't find a way the use. I try configurate in Advanced E...
Currently, we can export the data from a report, which will export to a .csv file, but the structure of the csv doesn't necessarily match the structure of the current view of data. This is not helpful for our users that do not know how to develop a pivot chart but would still like to work with...
Q&A es algo increíble! La facilidad con la podemos escribir y hacer las preguntas en un lenguaje natural y obtener las respuestas al instante es simplemente impresionante y único...si hablas inglés y entiendes inglés. Lamentablemente, el único idioma soportado en estos momentos es el inglés y ...