Currently, SSRS mobile reports and KPI's are available via the Power BI iOS app - which is great. But, it would be really nice to have paginated reports available as well. I can run them via Safari and they look great on iOs (thanks SSRS team) but with no single sign-on, opening the report po...
I typically build up visuals, create visual level filters, then add additional visuals to a report. After creating the filters at the visual level, I realize that I would like to apply them more broadly to the page level (or report level). I would like to be able to drag and drop them onto the pa...
There is currently a limitation that you can't URL parameter filter on a field or a table with a space in the name. Please fix this.
Treemaps display hierarchical (tree-structured) data as a set of nested rectangles. Each branch of the tree is given a rectangle, which is then tiled with smaller rectangles representing sub-branches. Refer to the below Sample links: OR ...
Vertical (current day) line on charts. On charts you often want to show the current date as a vertical line. I know it is a small improvement, but we can do this in almost all other reporting Technologies.
I'd love to be able to link to Trello and be able to spin my cards in various ways. See number of open cards, number of cards assigned to members, etc.
I imagine this is going to be included within the ability to edit connections, but I would like the ability to edit an existing query or add a new one from within Power BI. Another option would be to overwrite an existing spreadsheet with one including the new queries, though conflicts might get ...
Please enhance the KPI visual in such a way that users have: 1. Ability to change the 'Goal' text to something else, e.g. 'MoM' 2. Ability to add multiple goals (1 primary that impacts main colour coding, icon etc, plus additional secondary goals (e.g. WoW or YoY)) 3. Ability to customis...
It would be really helpful to be able to use Row-level security on dashboards to share with users outside of the organization. For example, you have multiple partners, and you want to restrict each partner to only view the data relevant to them. If this were implemented, you could use a single...
On the Manage Gateways page, add the ability to sort data sources ascending or descending within a particular gateway. Also, add the ability to categorize data sources within a gateway by 1.) Data Source type and/or 2.) Custom categorization. My team currently has 30+ gateway data sources to ma...