Mobile Reports have a sample preview of what the underlying report looks like. Users find this useful when looking for the report they need. Can this be done for the Power BI tiles?
Since publishing can take up to 10 minutes depending on the size of the file and upload speed, it would be nice to have a progress bar with an ETA so users don't cancel out of it because they don't see any progress.
Provide a way to programmatically refresh data from a PowerBI Desktop file. For example using a cmdline: "PBIDesktop.exe MyReport.pbix -refreshAll"
Other than the Devscope Power BI addon which does not work the way I expected, Can Microsoft provide a POWER BI Add-on which allows us to insert or copy a particular visual into the word document? I'd like to copy paste a particular chart/graph from power BI web/desktop like we can copy graphs fr...
Either make it so that background color shows up in focus mode or automatically change any white fonts used to darker color in focus mode.
We would love to use Dashboard to publish reports for our customers but would want to separate out by customer - ie have separate sub areas / folders per customer , where we can permission per customer - ie only users in relevant Customer group has permission to the folder
We would like to disable or hide the end user option/ button/ window where they can request access to a dashboard on which they landed after opening a url from a dashboard which is not shared with them. All our corporate reports are shared via dashboards via dynamic updated universal (A)A...
I think the unit for numbers ,such as thounsand/billion/ million should be changed for different countries. In China ,we usually use thousand千/10thousand 万/ 100thousand十万/0.1billion亿. These will be more easier for Chinese users. maybe there will be same problem for other countries.
Hi, At the moment there is a difference between PowerBI Desktop for Report Server and the "normal" PowerBI Desktop. I want to use the ShapeMaps, Visio Visual also. But this is not possible yet.