Please display moth columns chronologically instead of alphabetically so a timeline can be added to the charts.
accessing "group" workspaces is not intuitive. A new C-Level executive may not know to click "my workspace" to then see the groups they are apart of. Please make accessing group workspace more intuitive and identifiable on the screen.
It would be great if you could select a series of filters on various tables/attributes that you then save as a named group. By creating multiple dynamic groups you could then chart them side-by-side to view trends etc. I realise there are ways to handle this in the model but I'm proposing a...
Ability to quickly create calculations based on a table or report that you already have built. Example: You have a matrix with Countries on the rows, Month/Year as the columns, and Revenue as your values. In short, a revenue, by country, by month matrix. Another BI product I use allows you to...
It would be great if we could get a preview of our dashboards in tile view.
For presentations it might be a good idea to have a nice set of PowerBI logos (including SQL, SSAS, SSIS etc.) available. Also handy for documentation!
The need to extract and aggregate data from multiple Excel files stored in an on-premise Sharepoint library is widespread. Yet, it cannot yet be achieved solely from the UI. Users should be able to directly view all lists and document libraries of a Sharepoint site. In the current version, only L...
I'd like access to system variables like %userprofile% or %cd% or something like "the current directory that this file resides in" so that you can have XLS file with Power Query that then points to a separate file in the current directory...whether it's on your laptop or on a sharedrive. ...
As we load more and more dashboards we find that "thumbnails", like Datazen uses, to be far easier to identify and find.
iGlobe CRM Office 365 is a SharePoint Online App. Using Power BI as reporting tool will be an obvious thing to do. It should be straight forward and will enhance the value of the usage for Office 365 Users.