hi, i want a format hour same native excel format hour 37:30:55 ([h]:mm:ss;@) example if I want the number of hours = 256:30:45 (256 hours and 30 minutes and 45 seconds) I can't that i powerbi
In the iPad app, if you are in "My Workspace" in the Dashboards tab, the tiles aren't big enough to show the full name for dashboards with longer names. This isn't great for people we share dashboards with, because they have to click into the dashboard to see which one it is because they can't re...
Check by API if powerbi service is up and if gateaway is ok.
I have data files available in AWS S3 and I need to read and join them to generate reports in Power BI. Is there a direct or indirect way to read data from AWS S3?
Deploying and testing custom visuals in Power BI Desktop requires removing and re-adding custom visuals from the *.pbiviz file. I would like the workflow of deploying and testing custom visuals in Power BI Desktop to be as simple and easy as in Power BI Online where the custom visuals are upda...
Time Brush is a good visual for selecting date ranges but for streaming data it should be possible to set a time window (e.g. last hour, 24 hours, day, week, etc) for the initial display that does not necessary filter the data for other visuals. This could apply to other time series graphs as w...
Merges between SQL tables can be folded back to the server to improve performance, but only if the tables are within the same database. SQL is perfectly capable of joining tables between multiple databases. Please could query folding support this?
Conditional Formatting defined on a column in table is not getting applied to its summary value, this makes life difficult. Please apply the conditional formatting to summary value as well.
You should be able to move between report pages with the keyboard; ideally using the Excel shortcuts of ctrl-up and ctrl-down
The new Query Dependency view is great but would be amazing if we could export to Visio doc to assist in documenting the ETL Process