Incremental Refresh appears to only function for inserting the parameters into a Date/Time format. What about where users are using DirectQuery, which does not allow us to change the format type of a column, and the SQL Server data being queried is only in Date format, not Date/Time? Please all...
possibility of selecting what kind of values to show in the "data labels", for example "percentage of change" is a very relevant data, but only shown in the tooltip
The current iteration of Custom Themes allows us to specify the colors and type fonts we want to use in our reports. We would like to publish a theme/template/whateveritscalled in which we can set the background color, add a corporate logo, and establish a default layout that would come up any ti...
You should work on the improvement of MS Forms working with PowerBI. This would help lots of people that need to work easily with data in real time, as fullfield by others users in Forms. The solution proposed on the Forum is not good, and lots of people still having issues on it - as I am. Why...
Add the functionality to the slicer to select a single date from slicer
A way for the textbox font to stay the same once you've selected the it. After return is pressed, it usually goes back to the default font.
Commercial Me Dashboard should show customer verbatim for the surveys, as we had it in CDP. It would help for improving our services.
Enable the Bookmarks Pane (in the files that are published) to always be turned on for a particular report. End resolute: When a check is made (i.e. in the View section in the ribbon) the bookmarks pane will show and the Fields will be collapsed.
Hide columns in a table Matrix to apply sorting by several levels