Currently we can get the .json definition of a dataflow with the REST API I would like to be able to create a dataflow by pushing a .json file with the definition similar to how reports can be pushed using https://...
We measure our stat over the course of a month, however come a certain date of the month we need Power BI to email these using 'Subscribe to emails' monthly - ie not daily or weekly (the settings available at the moment).
Its great Power BI supports Python & R integration but visuals using Python & R gets created as image and Power BI filters are not applicable to it. Would be great if this functionality is available.
It would be awesome if power bi could provide a control chart option with mR charts, Pareto charts etc. This would be very helpful in my line of work.
When a user of the service requests access to a report, they are listed by name under 'Pending requests for access'. However they are listed by name only. If I have two 'Jane Smith' in my organisation, I can't tell which of them has requested access. Equally, when the email is sent to the repo...
We can configure a matrix column Data Category as Image URL. The size of this image can be configured by Format -> Grid --> Image Height. The problem here is we can only configure the height where the same size is taken as width i.e. if we configure height as 100, the size of the image will be...
Please also allow column of binary types in Power BI Dataflow as Basic Entities. As for now, binary column values are allowed for logical basic entities, i.e. unless you enable loading. While this is partly good, it breaks my possibilities to user Power BI Dataflow. But as soon as I mater...
I am trying to connect 2 Live connections ( Analysis services Cube) but it seems i can only connect one at a time. Would it be possible to have 2 or more live connections pointing to different Cubes in different servers.
I would like to limit the number of rows from my database that a user could export at any particular time. I don't want to block them fully, just make sure that someone with access cannot take the whole thing at once.
As a Reports user, I would like to enable '# of Rows' in Table visualization so that I can see the number of records in the Table.