As soon as we click the chart icon, we are presented with all possible visualizations possible. If its colored we can locate them in a snap. Grey icons causes fatigue
One of the drawbacks of using calculation groups is that you may be unable to apply conditional formatting by measures. For example, you cannot apply conditional format to a YoY measure. To do so, it will be necessary to create independent measures outside the calculation group.
Currently, we can change a lot in the Power BI theme json. If we look at the slicer settings in specific, we can change a lot already! Things like single select or the select all option can be set in the theme file. In general everything in the theme file relates back to the format pane in Power ...
The topic is about an issue we are facing in “Continuous Deployment” process we built leveraging the Power BI REST APIs and Powershell scripts. Its working well in QA, but the challenge would be to deploying into the Production Power BI Embedded resource workspace. Here is the problem descriptio...
Slicers Header ”Title Text” feature is not available in Power BI Desktop and available in Power BI Service. When we make Power BI Native Slicers Header ”Title Text” configuration in Power BI service and Save the changes then download the updated PBIX, the Slicers Header ”Title Text” configura...
Enhance the existing Table visual so that it includes a 'Paging' feature with configurable Rows per Page and add a Play feature that will enumerate through the pages with a configurable pause between each page change. Similar to how the TVs at the the Airport work.
As System Admin I create Data Sources on Data Gateway and grant users access to use them. Users should be able to user them via Power BI Desktop. Currently there is option to connect to Datasets that are already published but it would be better to allow the users to connect using the data gatew...
Users should be able to add multiple storage accounts in Dataflow settings of Power BI Admin Portal. This would enable one to attach a CDM model of a different storage account. This is also required so that multiple Power products as Power Apps and Power BI can be used efficiently.
There are a number of applications where you want a DAX expression to return every filter currently effecting a visual. There should be a function that does this. Today you can get this effect by creating an expression like: IF(ISFILTERED () ,SELECTEDVALUE () ) for every column you care about. or...
Provide visibility in the Power BI service when a live connection to Analysis Services is connected to a perspective rather than Model. When we look at settings for a live connection dataset in, we can see the server and database in the data source credentials, but there is no ind...