This is close to a bug: After you have added a text box to your report canvas, typed something into it, and then go to format that text, depending on how you highlight the text, the format options may or may not disappear. If you highlight text with the clicking and holding the left mouse button...
In my organisation there are several KPIs (SLAs) which are based on average time (mean time to resolve/mean time to dispatch). The current KPI visualisations allow me to insert any measures that are a number or a percentage, however, I cannot build a visualisation based on time (if the average ti...
Be able to group multiple Card visuals together as part of a larger visual. You would be able to scroll left to right to see each of the individual Card visuals. For example, you could have 20 Cards displaying revenue for 20 different stores. Displaying 20 cards would take up large amounts of spa...
Global filter in dashboards This is a very good feature that each and everyone is looking for. Previously there was a similar post in 2016 but no updates on it. It has almost 2000+ votes. Below is the text from previous post posted by someone. Allow me to pin a filter to the dashboard tha...
I would love to use the legend of a graphic as a filter for the graphic itself. For example when I've got a line chart with a legend and some lines have got much bigger values than the others, I hardly can see the other lines. So I prefered to click on the legend to select the shown lines so, tha...
currently there are editing that impossible on DirectQuery so import data is the only option. can't publish more than 1GB .pbix files to Service.
Need a visual for a stacked divergent bar chart with ability to sort and display median/average values and line chart
As the only owner of a dashboard I can enable re-shares for particular users, but I cannot promote a second owner who is able to see and edit the access list. This would help greatly in access management.
If you create a list or a query of parameter values, there is no way to set a different display value to the actual value used. So if I need to filter a report with a non-semantic code, I'm unable to give the end user a semantic display value. For example, let's assume the code for "Detergent" is...
I know that it can be published datasets on Microsoft server and than analysis in Excel, but I want directly analyze in Excel from desktop version totally offline. I can use Dax studio to do that and works stable, but my colleagues can't and it's boring that you constantly have to change localhos...