Search or Filter with a Wildcard like in Access, e.g. Text.Contains([Model], "AB*12*")
'alerts's on multi row cards would be great, fo that we can keep the additional informations related to the triggered value.
Although backed by the powerpoint team, it seems that maps created using these tools cannot be exported to powerpoint. Most senior executives will therefore never see these excellent visualisations
To edit measures in the measure grid is tedious and if you have a lot of measures you lose the overview very quickly. It would be great to have an editor where you can change and comment and all the things you can do e.g. in the VBA editor.
The "Export and Sharing Settings" in the Admin portal for the tenant do not serve the many different use cases our enterprise has. Some Workspace admins are trying to make their data as easy to share as possible, and so they want all export/sharing settings on; whereas other Workspace admins need...
I would like to have the option to archive a dashboard, its content and metadata. I am planning to retire a Power BI dashboard, but I feel like I might need it in the future. It would be good if we have an options where we can archive the dashboard and delete the report and dataset. In the future...
In web version of the new ssrs 2016 you can hide folders and they do hide, but once you connect to the same ssrs via this app you still see those folders unhidden. Please apply same logic related to hidden items to app as it is done for web portal. I can explain why we nee this. We use our SSRS ...
Please add the concatenation option already available for the Clustered Column Chart to the Clustered Bar Chart. There should be a way to group the fields in the Axis section of the Fields Pane by their respective hierarchy along the Y-axis of the Clustered Bar Chart.