Enable the ability to export the [Relationship] tab (on Power-BI Desktop) to an image (that shows the Data Model/Table Relationships, for an Entity Relationship Diagram).
Printing PowerBI online reports to PowerPoint only allows printing the entire report (all tabs). It would be great to be able to select what is printed to Powerpoint. I sometimes have to update a powerpoint deck, and it would be helpful to not have to print 20 slides so that I can replace a sin...
Currently, the only subscription notification available for when a report has been refreshed is through e-mail. Our executives have requested push notifications through the mobile app of when reports have been refreshed. This would be a useful feature, as many of our upper-level leadership only...
When I use Donut chart showing some numbers by categry I show sum in the middle using Card visual, It would be nice to have this option by default in Donut chart
The current ESRI map offers 8 preset color gradients to display values from lowest to highest. I often need to map positive (green) and negative (red) values on a map, where zero values are white. For example growth rates, profit/loss etc. For this I would need to customize the color with a d...
There should be an Option to freeze parts of a Report page. So you are able to create a Header e.g. with a structure with links for the Report. Like with an Excel table, just with the whole Report page.
Add option into default slicer visual to enable wrap text when category text is to long.
Please enable custom date format in incremental refresh of dataflow just like in Power BI desktop features.
Need Tool-tips for spark-line in "Power KPI Matrix" to display Comment when the trend is out of limits. Something similar available for Line Chart.
When a report design (eg tab name) is modified in a report containing a subscription, the subscription lost, including the recipient list. When this happens, please modify it so that the subscription highlights an error that requires fixing and doesn't delete all the subscription details