Ability for Power BI to use an SAP Business Objects universe as a datasource
Power BI Embedded service supports embedding Q&A for a single dataset in the Power BI workspace at a given point of time. However, it does not support embedding Q&A on multiple datasets simultaneously. Would be really helpful if this feature is enabled/developed.
Allow a matrix row hierarchy to expand upward (requested by Accounting) The functionality of PowerBI always expands a matrix downward, with subcategories appearing beneath the header. Standard accounting format requires that the subcategories appear above the header. Power BI does allow u...
When creating a new dataflow, offer the option to include table relationships into the dataflow. Otherwise, each time I create a new report connecting to the dataflow I have to create table relationships
Please add the same zoom +/- functionality we had on the old relationships view onto the New Modeling View (preview feature). Even though we can make much smaller models, there is still times tables go beyond the normal view and there is currently no way to zoom out and still see all tables.
Have the ability to search a user in Power BI Admin Portal & see which workspace\app & role.
AS is a poor data source for extracting data from for building more tabular models. But sometimes you have no choice. Being able to using dataflow to run those queries once for multiple reports/projects is a great way to reduce the pain of that scenario. Fully supporting this includes supporti...
In the latest updated, we can now zoom within the formula bar and extend the formula view (37 rows on my display without zooming). This is an improvement but we don't always need to see 37 rows. Can we have it so we can drag down the formula bar to our desired size and also a keyboard shortcu...
Current native support for DLP is lacking. Add capability similar to the rest of the O365 stack within the Security & Compliance Portal