Add second layer to filled map using a separate data set. OR add function to let user add customized point to map on top of the first layer. The customized points need to have label displayed on map to show the purpose.
With a Premium Capacity, Power BI (Pro license) Report Developers should be able to view the Power BI Online Service as if they are a consumer (with the 'free' license), with a toggle-setting to switch between modes. This will allow developers to ensure their reports and configurations work as ex...
Please allow users to Collapse/Expand the Pages navigation pane in the new look on the service. This would apply to the new navigation for Apps as well.
I need to force the user to only select one date, but currently in order to do that the user has to scroll through a long list of dates. It would be preferable to select the single date via a calendar widget.
When you use the forecast option in the analytics pane it does not follow the trend line even when the trend is obvious. Add a feature to allow it to do so, while still showing seasonality.
Please add the option to shedule a full refresh next to the incremental refresh with separate schedules.
Similar to how data sets can now be promoted and endorsed there should be an option of endorsing and certifying a report. Reports can go through various stages on development and when they are complete they should be endorsed so other users can trust the data. Users could filter to only see cert...
When in Advanced Editor in the Power Query Editor, if you pressed Ctrl-F a search box would open to help you find text within it.
For example, I have a refresh schedule enabled on a report. If that refresh fails, I want to set another time for Power BI to attempt the same refresh again (versus having to set up two refreshes)
At the moment is only possible to reuse one dataset when using Power BI Datasets Connection. I will like to ask if is on the scope to be able to reuse and connect more the one dataset that lives in the same workspace or different workspaces to be able to generate one unique report? What is you op...