I would like to be create a report with data from different data sets. Example cross an id from mail chip to our system id so we can see what users are doing and what marketing they are responding to.
Data refresh/build against large data sets can be stopped but pick up again at the point it left off.
Currently reports what are created in FHD resolution looks ugly on lower resolution (1366x768) displays. Slicers are trimmed and not all options are visible, what I can see in slicers on FHD displays. There should be 2 sultions - either font size is automatically reduced in lower resolutions, e...
Hi. I have so many questions about: -Chart, matrix, tables... Bordes. -Possibility to show % in charts. -Possibility to show slicer in columns. -Possibility to change Title and Color in slicers. -Possibility to Drill-Down. -Possibility to insert shapes, lines, rectangles with colours int ...
Currently Power BI reporting capabilities are not supported with ASP/ Net web applications. It would be good to have .pbix file renderable in ASP.net application as SSRS reports can be. It is really surprising to know that A Microsoft technology not integrable with another Microsoft technology (...
For organisatons with SSAS, many users already have Excel spreadsheets where the built Pivot tables and charts to query their SSAS cube. Now this cube is available to PowerBI thanks to the Gateway and SSAS connector. It would be great to be able to simply convert these existing Excel files into P...
It would be great having ability ro group dashboards. So i can create many dashboards for different users but those "superusers" doesnt have a list of many dasboards (annoying on mobile phones) but a few categories to navigate
Why reinvent the wheel. There is already powerful functional language F#
It would be nice to be able to "convert" a chart item click (e.g. a click on a bar in a bar chart, generating filterings/comparisons on the other charts on the page) to a report page filter. If that functionality existed it would be much easier to make a top-down analysis, keeping the clicked fil...
Would be nice to include data tables on bar charts (Excel Style Charts). This was sort of a pain to do with Reporting Services. So it would be nice to include that functionality here. Link to example: http://lh4.ggpht.com/-Al9qTVn_JIg/UI8zLk7yUdI/AAAAAAAAEbg/_X8dK3OHasM/s1600-h/1-Charts-with-Exc...