Implement workday.intl and NETWORKDAYS.INTL formulas in DAX. It is too hard to make working days calculations without these Excel formulas.
If you don't have SQL Server Enterprise with SA, the only licensing options available are quite cost prohibitive for small implementations. Pro User = $10/month Premium =$5k/month minimum Embedded=$750/month minimum If only sharing a small number of reports with other users (view only) it...
To be able to rearrange rows within the matrix instead of going in chronological order
Forecasting and trend lines DO NOT work if you are using your own custom fiscal calendar. MOST businesses have fiscal periods that don't align perfectly with calendar periods. If a custom date hierarchy is used, forecasting and trend lines should still work. It pretty ridiculous to have to tell e...
Our organization has a worldwide presence and we have to adhere to local country data privacy rules. To successfully deploy Power BI Embedded or Power BI Premium capacities we need to be able to choose specific location region where the capacity is created. Right now the PBIE capacity location ...
Cuurently Dashboards, Reports, Tiles and QnA can be embedded into web applications. An option of embedding Quick insights either using datasets or using dashboard tiles should be available. As the quick insights is a very helpful feature and attracts the customer attention as well.
I often use rectangle shapes as visual containers on a page. This is clunky and cumbersome for a few reasons. Like Word or SSRS, it would be absolutely fantastic to have a true container object for visuals. The following enhancements would improve the current experience, using a rectangle as a...
The KPIs available in Power BI Report Server are extremely useful but are limited to a single dataset. Often data must be merged from many data sources to create the necessary values to support the KPI. Power BI allows for the querying, merging and transforming steps necessary. Now we need a w...