Hi All, Can we have a date format like MMM YYYY . I need to have month in the shorten format. If the month is in MMMM format is looks cluttered on mobile version of the dashboard.
My idea is simple..... print page for filter in combobox, for example..... in page have combox with country names, and body paga have de grid and other information filterinfor country name, y need print one page for one, for each value del combobox, need select one by one, and click in print butt...
While visuals can be filtered presenting only top 10 values or some other filtering, filters themselves can not be filtered
Ability to embed adhoc reports into any web application using PowerBI embedded. i.e. expose specific dataset to users and they can create custom reports themselves within your web app. As a basic function, at least if developers could embed pivot grid with set of fields, filters etc, where user c...
Allow developers to specify how many concurrent queries should be submitted by a single Power BI Embedded report. Backgrround: If a report relies on several independent direct queries, the Power BI Embedded server throttles their submission to the data source. This prevents the report from usi...
Once I add a forecast to a line chart, if I enable data labels, it shows the data points only for actual data and doesnt show for forecast data. Quite often the user has to hover over the line to see what value is being forecasted. We also need an option to customize the data labels, when we a...
Actually I can only set a custom Title in a Slicer. Then I have to Disable the Header. When I disable the header, I loose the functionalities, like clear selections and display as a Dropdown. But, when I display the Header, I see the column name and I cannot change what is displayed there, ...
Market Baaket Analysis Market Basket Analysis is getting popular day by day and it's turning out to be one of the essential tool for any e commerce or super shop business.