A great feature would be the ability to auto generate documentation on how the reports and dashboards are created. Provide information on Data Sources, Tables, Relationships, Measures, Calculated columns, how Visuals are structured, Publishing location, Etc
Have a predefined set of dashboards like google Analytics for SharePoint analytics. Ability to see most searched items, popular sites, pages etc
When i use conditional formatting in tables where it changes the color between 2 values (0 and 1) the colorization is working fine (like red and green). But when i use crossfiltering through a donut chart for example, so that i will only have lines in the table with 0 or 1 in that column, it sho...
Creating layers in maps. For example I would like to have a layer showing our truck information and another layer showing nearby Tim Horton. Or if there is a possible Connector available to connect PowerBI to Esri
Ability to create connection only queries like you can using the Excel Power Query version So for a query in Power BI desktop ability to disable load to report but enable query refresh (the latter is automatically disabled when you disable the first)
Is it possible to set up an element on a report that allows you to link to different tabs on a report - like a menu, or navigation bar? It would be good to use for those who are viewing a report published to web, so they don't need to scroll through the different pages to get to the informatio...
Currently you have to click Advanced Editor and edit the Source on one line, e.g. "Source = AnalysisServices.Database("Dbase", "Transactions", [Query="EVALUATE#(lf)SUMMARIZE(#(lf)...." It would be far easier to edit the query in the original "Import Data - MDX or DAX Query (Optional)" box as ...
Need ability to update the Power BI designer file by re-importing the PowerPivot model. If you add new datasources, measures, etc into your PowerPivot model the option to import new sources/measures or a complete refresh would prevent having to rebuild the entire Power BI report from scratch. ...
Currently the Quick Insights feature allows you to pin the tiles to a dashboard. Option to Copy / Convert a Insight report and modify to add additional attributes and filters will be useful for the author to leverage the insights with additional related attributes/ metrics
Ability to set up a hierarchy of a family - and then superimpose on a map! Great for family relationship analyses.