It would be nice to have the ability to integrate Skype for Business Presence data into a report. For example, lets say I have a table or matrix of data with a column that exposes a user identity, it would be great to have the ability to display taht suer's ID instead as a nicely formatted Displ...
When I modify a column (e.g. Title and/or data type) in data view, the data view moves back to full left, even when the actual column is in the middle of right. This is very unhandy when you have more than ~10 columns and you have to move back an forth while editing each column. I would lik...
It would be nice to be able to change the Caption of the Category labels. Sometimes I do not want to display the Column name on the visual, but I want to display something different.
Next to the connections to Azure SQL databases, SQL Server analysis services (via Get Data -> Databases) etc., I would like to make a direct connection to a MySQL database (not on premises). In this case there is no need for the Gateway on premises (and server/computer). Does anybody now a go...
I don't know if this is possible or not, but it would great if Power BI Desktop did not require administrator rights to install or update the program. My IT department has some computers tied down pretty tight, and this is going to require frequent visits on a regular basis to update. Or can ...
Quick Calc feature is currently only supported in power bi destkop. Allow that feature in power bi service as well so when building reports straight in power bi service you can perform those calculations.
Change the default Format of Font Colors to black or be able to set up the default font color yourself.
Please add power bi viewer feature which will open .pbix in read only mode and show only report not data table and relationship in offline (Intranet). This viewer may be desktop based which help to basic offline user those who don't have internet facilities. Something like this: https://d...
Share data / graphs at authorized websites in the Power BI portal
Azure table storage rest services allow us to query a table with parameters, we must have the same features from the azure table storage datasource, for now, we have to import all the table and then filter it.'',RowK...