Anyone who uses Power BI and audits its logs will only be able to audit until dashboard level. The idea is to increase the level of detail to page level so that you can know which pages are beeing visited the most/least and by which users. This new information will enable you to modify your das...
The REST API allows me to programmatically deploy a new set of reports to a Power BI App Workspace, but there is no way to then Publish this App to make it available to the users via the REST API. This is stopping me from creating a complete deployment system for Power BI reports for use in a Con...
Right now we can only use trend lines for continuous values in the x axis. It would be great if a categorical value could also be used, such as month name.
A ticket was raised for this issue back in August 2015 and was erroneously marked as Completed. Here is the link: More specifically, I would like conditional color formatting on...
If you setup a data source using the Power BI Analysis Services Connector that shows up in the Power BI online Dataset repository you should allow the use of that dataset directly from the Power BI Designer. This will allow you to publish reports using the already shared dataset and it also give...
Through the ability to connect to a Sharepoint Folder, we can connect Power BI to the OneDrive for Business root folder. This is excellent and very important, but insufficient. Most projects require that files be organized in subfolders, to which direct access is not allowed. There are ways to do...
Please add row number display on/off to Table visual. It is very practical.
Importing from Excel currently does not seem to support PowerPivot and requires a local path to the file.
Hi, I love power BI it's the best/easiest reporting tool do date. However I've created a reporting site in SharePoint for my organisation where people can come to and search and use power view, power pivot, excel services and SSRS reports I would love to incorporate power BI reports and dashboar...
In the transformation area of replace values it would be nice to be able to use a wildcard in the value to replace field. For example we have transaction descriptions like... Placement [EB-12375596] and it would be great to be able to enter something like... Placement% to capture all of these. I'...