It would be useful if it was possible to switch between a developer mode and viewing mode in desktop. i.e. toggle button to switch between the two modes.
I often get requests that are derivates of already released reports, but require small tweaks, such as a new dimension to be added to answer. Being able to add composite table to a live data set connection would enable me to more effectively re-use my work, as I wouldn't have to start my project ...
At this moment, if I'm not mistaken, it is possible to drillthrough only for one row of a table/matrix. It would be useful have the able to select several rows of a table/matrix with ctrl + click, and than, with right click on one of these, make drillthrough of all the rows selected.
I need the ability to modify the email format that gets sent through subscriptions. The size of the image in the email is far too small to be legible in an email window (both on phone and desktop), and prevents us from using subscriptions to fully automate our reporting. This is the biggest drawb...
Idea: Service Tags for PowerBI. Issue: PowerBI Data Gateway is installed on Azure Server OutBound Security Rule needs to be setup on Server every time new server is set up creating manual work, for setting up outbound ports and IP address. Also Microsoft Azure Datacenter IP list is updated wee...
When setting up an Entreprise Gateway on, in the manage gateways, data source setting page. If I use Windows Authentication, I cannot put a GMSA (Group Managed Service Account) because the password field is required. GMSA account password are generated and maintained by the Key Di...
I think reports should be responsive in every device. Specially on tablets, current market leader is iPad and if a user access a report he sees exactly the same as in DeskTop. There is no way to design a specific design for tablets (as for Mobiles) and PBI doesn't recognize them as a mobile devi...
It would be nice for me to share reports with my team without the need to PowerBI Pro license. Right now I have a half dozen beautiful and meaningful reports that I want to share with my teammates but can't, because they don't have PowerBI license. So, those reports are not so meaningf...
It might be a good idea to incorporate a Color Picker in Power BI Desktop. It will help us pick colors from samples.