The ability to put a section underneath a section in the new Power BI App navigation pane. An example of what I mean is as follows: -> Marketing Reports ->2019 ->Report 1 ->Report 2 ->2018 ->Report 1 ...
I want to share a bookmark of a report so when the team member gets the link they can open the same report with the same filters. See the same thing I am seeing. Can this be done?
It would be good to have the ability to show the marker for line values on a line and clustered bar chart when the x-axis type is set to continuous. At the moment, this feature is available for categorical axis only
Users are asking for the multiformat data download of the report data in power bi report server. like we have excel data download format as .xls and csv.along with that they are even asking for the pdf file format data
Right now if you link an entity to a dataflow in a different workspace, it does not auto-refresh like a linked entity in the same workspace. While this could be advantageous in some situation (for example linking to live data and using the linked dataflow to make "official" snapshots), it could a...
Achieve cross filtering on multiple visuals (in addition to slicer ) in Power BI. After applying of additional filtering on one of the visual it would not reset already applied filtering on other visuals.
When pulling null values from a text data types in a dataflow it currently pull blank text string rather than a null. This is meaning a transform is then required in the dataset to transform it back to a null. This creates a few issues, 1) if the data requires a differentiation between a null and...
I have two datasets. one is only for certain users. i had to create for the board a report based on the two datasets. The problem is that i had to create all the steps, import sources etc because we canT merge two dataset. I can not use only this merging dataset because some user have excel extra...
There are instances where we need to filter down the data set on one variable, like contract number (say it's an enterprise contract for a number of locations with different customer numbers) because we want to use this filter to find all the related customer numbers. With the limited customer nu...