The Power BI Sharepoint webpart is missing an "Enter Full Screen Mode" button.
Folders in workspaces foster hierarchical organization within workspaces. Currently, you can create workspaces but each report is on the same level within those workspaces. You as administrator can't organize them and users that have access to those workspaces have to scroll through multiple repo...
Add control chart as a chart type. Preferably with the ability to set 'alerts'ing based on various factors such as exceeding the upper limit or 5 positives in a row (even though still within limit).
Ability to select multiple columns (using ctrl/shift) for hiding/deleting in PowerBI Desktop in the Data mode
Export to PowerPoint reveals "hidden" Pages, and the "hidden" pages contribute to the maximum of export limit of 15 pages. It would be great if: a) the hidden pages did not contribute to the maximum 15 pages b) the hidden pages were not revealed when exported to PowerPoint
A dashboard that is based on a pinned live page is not automatically updated when the dataset is updated. Automatic update of Pinned Live Pages should be implemented as a feature.
At least as an option, allow fields to be ordered the same as the source query rather than alphabetical. This way they can be put in a logical and consistent order. Obviously, a workaround is to prefix each column name with a number but this is clunky, unattractive and a pain if the column...
With large volume of data in SharePoint List, it takes forever for a scheduled/on-demand refresh as it refreshes everything from scratch. It would be nice to support direct query (live query) against SPO List. Customer is expecting to see real-time dashboard change when item is updated in SPO l...
I have reports that show (blank) as a choice in the slicer, despite having no blank values, if its clicked, then all my reports just show nothing at all. I find this to be a bug, please fix!
I would like to add a second Values field to a line chart that already has an Axis: Date, Legend: Brand, and Values: $ Volume. The second field would be $ Volume Year Ago and would be presented in the same color as the Brand but with a dashed line.