Dashboard Color changing and formatting in the canvas according to the company branding
It would be great if I could change the size, font, and color of the title and subtitle for a tile for a dashboard in PBI Online
When we us 'custom shapes' and different data and then overlay them, it would be nice to be able to "Flatten" that visualization into one so that it can be pinned to a dashboard etc.
When using custom visualizations, the color settings (basically all settings) are reset due to the custom visualization warning.
Filtering and Searching is poor. Get this right and Power BI will be the best. But until you do. You need to start again to include - a powerful search option. Including using = etc - select more than one option like Pete Mary John etc - Different filters are linked. So selection in say a...
I would love to create the 3 Dimensional PowerMap style maps in Power BI instead of just the 2 D maps. Can we make this happen?
If i am making a dashboard for lets say 50 products then product managers who will be visiting the dashboard should only see the data for their relevant products rather seeing the performance for all the products while some have permissions to see all the data.
Add support for using data stored in Sitecore Experience Database
It would be helpful if Row Level Security could be defined on entities within a Data Flow, so that a single data flow could be used as a repository for different users (with different access rights) to get data.