It would be nice if the user can create the chart tiles and share them so that they can be used directly in other dashboards created by the same user or other users (Similar to sharing Power Query datasets I think!)
Love the new Dataflow feature! Really transforms the way we used to bring data to PowerBI. I work for a *really* big organization, we are on Premium Capacity and have to work with millions of records each data. Obviously we also have many teams working on this data, but for different purposes...
Support Display Folders for Table Objects and not just columns
It would be nice that there is an option to set the new Home or other page chosen by the users to be the default landing page when opens Power BI. By now when I sign in Power BI the first page I see is "My Workspace" or a featured dashboard. It would be better if the user can chose what to see...
Could we add seamless import/export of the query/data model/measure definitions in text format for use with version control such as GIT? Right now the queries are all defined as text, tables could be easily defined as field names, field type, and formula for added columns, and measures are jus...
In RLS can we have something to hide other report tabs as well.
The new buttons and actions are great, we always try and add a contact email to any report we produce so that users can contact us with questions and feedback. It would therefore be useful to have an email icon button an associated action which opened an email with the address and subject line de...
Currently when you turn off Edit Interactions for an object such as a column or bar chart, that chart will of course stop filtering any other items on the canvas. However when you click on one of the bars or columns, you can still select the item. But it doesn't do anything. This is confusing ...
Dear Support Team, Before June 2017, once we shared a dashboard with external users (outside of the organization) it was visible on "Shared With Me" tab for the shared users, but with the new licencing policy this feature is no longer working for the external users. Can we please consider to br...