There are a lot of excel formatting features that would be nice in Power BI but at the top of my list is word wrapping for long column heading names. For example, Proposed Fund Purchase Price would wrap to |Proposed Fund | |Purchase Price | | $120,000| because the data in that column w...
If you create a report in the online version of Power BI, it would be great to be able to download the PBIX file to your local machine to edit further in Power BI desktop
There is a no download pbix file option in Some persons directly use to generate reports and at the end, if the person who needs it require PBIX file. Then we have to do rework
Hello - can you please make PowerBI HIPAA compliant? The healthcare industry could really use this tool. However, all are skittish to apply it to their CRM data, which can be covered by the Microsoft Trust Center.
It would be great if I could create a Power BI dashboard based on data in SQL Server, and then include that dashboard in an application that I have developed in Visual Studio, e.g. in a WPF application. Producing charts in Visual Studio is not possible without third party extensions, so being ab...
Existing aggregate functions are not always useful in a real-time dashboard. Take for example a dashboard that wants to track current speed of a connected car, or current call queue in a call-centre dashboard. At the moment, it's not possible to have a callout that achieves this as MIN, MAX, AV...
It Would be nice to install PowerBi gateway to docker instead of dedicated virtual machine. Dedicated VM -> just waste of resources, docker offers better automation and failover as well.
Currently you can only change parameter values online within imported data sources, this would be useful to have on direct query and live connection data sources also as the ability to move through environments without redeploying is very useful for organisations.
Matrix currently doesn't allow you to sort the columns based on designating values as being a priority above the column field names I want to put the values above the column header. In the first row (of the column headers) the measures I've created, then all the months for each measure. In thi...