Adding URLs is a very nice feature. Currently however it seems to be impossible to show a text that is different to the url. If I would for example want to add links to my customer's web-sites, I want to have the customer name column as the column the user should click on whereas the url would be...
A major part of every business' reporting is to report on financial figures. Would be great to have a sample for that
Current rules for certified visuals prevent visuals from making requests outside of PowerBI. The specific rule states: 1200.1.3 Code security Your source code should comply with all security and privacy policies. Source code must be safe and not pass or transmit customer data externally. Thi...
The conditional formatting for values is wonderful. However, it would be great to have the ability format subtotals and totals, as the variation on those fields are often even more important to draw attention to.
When data is plotted on a scatter plot, we get to see distribution by two metrics defined on X & Y-axis. This also helps in identifying outliers. On right-clicking we generally get to exclude certain data points from the visual and then see the visual without those data points (that is we filter ...
The matrix/table visualizations are dramatically behind where they need to be. Given that a large portion of your users are migrating over from excel, they expect to be able to do simple things like build/customize a matrix that displays their data in the format they are used to. Instead, many of...
There does not appear to be a built-in way to sort the stacked column series in a column other than alphabetically by the column series value. I am totaling dollars by fiscal year on the X axis and by a category value within the column (column series). I need to be able to sort the category val...
As of now, it is not possible to see which filters that were applied to a tile. Without a good title or description the information can be hard to interpret and quite confusing when the chart in the report deviate from the chart in the dashboard. Ability to show the filter context to a tile we...
It would be very helpful to have Scheduling the dashboard reports into shared location or email by exporting into pdf/excel.
Each PowerBI version is incompatible with the prior one even if new features are not used. It enforces an organisation to move to the new version at the same time when files are shared IA PBIX file made with a new version should be able to be opened with the prior version when new features ar...