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WALTER on 2016-07-12 18:08:52
Allow Table and Matrix Data Exports to Match PowerBI Visual
I have volumes of information to share with my teams that is best presented in tables and matrices. It would be a huge improvement if they were able to export the data from the visualizations and have the formatting in Excel match the formatting created within PowerBI. This would be especia...
Thanks for your feedback on this issue - while we'd like to enable this, there is currently no timetable around doing so. There is the option as a workaround the create a paginated view as a drillthrough of the visual and have a formatted version you can export to Excel, but understand this isn't a solution everyone can take advantage of currently.
DaveG on 2018-01-09 10:55:44
Measure Management & DAX Editor
Anyone who uses PowerBI long enough has had a PBIX with 50-60 measures and it has become time consuming and tedious to mantain. In Excel you can do a quick find/replace to edit several formulas - in PowerBI you need to select each one individually. An "excel-like" interface for editing measures w...
Checking with Will Thompson and moving status to backlog
Alex Pataky on 2015-08-22 02:04:59
Add Folders To Organize Reports On PowerBI.com
RIght now, on powerbi.com, there is no ability to organize reports, dashboards, etc into folders. If you have a lot of content or users, this gets messy quickly. Please add the ability to organize into folders (and secure those folders separately)
Thank you all for the feedback since our last update. We're working on building a new navigation experience to allow authors to customize a folder-like structure for all the contents within Power BI Apps. Stay tuned!
Matt Allington on 2016-07-16 04:20:35
Conditional formatted measures using SWITCH
A current limitation in Power BI SWITCH measures (and all Power Pivot actually) is that a SWITCH measure must have a single format. It is currently not possible to conditionally format the measure result based on any criteria - it is one single format only. There are valid use cases where you m...
From the comments and scenarios everyone's describing, the problem is really that you need a way to allow end-users to change which measure is displayed in a visual on the fly. As a few folks have mentioned, the FORMAT function might help in the interim, as long as you're showing the results in text rather than a chart. https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dax/format-function-dax has details on how to use that. The expression-based formatting feature that we've started work on may help to a certain extent, but that's really designed to change a visual's properties rather than the data type or format. We'll look into extending that work to support this scenario as well. We're moving this to Backlog status - our core plan is to build ways that end-users can change the dimensions or measures that are visible in a chart on the fly. They'll be able to explore much more freely rather than relying on the author to have set up complex expressions to control what's available. We'll update with more details as they're available.
Power BI User on 2015-03-03 07:53:52
Default Selected Slicer or Tile-By Value Configuration
Allow a user to set the default value for a slicer or tile-by value on a page/dashboard, so that when the Power View page is opened for the first time, the default value is selected. eg. If the page has a slicer for Year or Month, allow the user to configure the most recent Year or Month to be se...
We're looking into this request, thanks for everyone's votes and comments. It looks like many of the requests will be addressed by the new 'Sticky filters' capability. Now when you log out of Power BI and come back to a report, the same items will be selected as when you left. For those who're looking to have a 'last month' selection, the relative date slicer might help. Those with comments about currencies where having multiple selected makes the report meaningless - the report will load with whatever selection the author saved, so if you save it with one currency selected your users will see that by default. If there are scenarios that these features don't address, please let us know in your comments - if you are really specific it'll help us build the feature to work just the way you want! Thanks again!
Power BI User on 2014-11-04 03:05:31
Connectivity to Google sheets
Connecting to Excel workbooks in OneDrive is a great first step, but connectivity to Google Sheets should be there too.
Thanks for the suggestions! I've split out the other cloud storage options into separate ideas for people to vote on.
on 2017-11-09 03:18:20
Conditional Formatting for Text
It would be great to conditional format a table and/or a matrix based on the cell text, not only numbers
This month we added the ability to format text fields based off a numeric field: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/power-bi-desktop-may-2018-feature-summary/#conditionalFormatting We also are planning on adding a feature that will let you format your text based on comparisons. I'll update this idea based on our progress on that feature.
Power BI User on 2015-08-20 23:29:33
input fields
What about adding input fields to the dashboard widgets. Kind of like the text field but it is enabled for user input. This input field can be used in new column and new measure fields so that once the dashboard is set up the user can easily (without filtering) explore the data by entering differ...
Hi everyone. This is something we'd like to get to in the future but don't have any plans for at the moment.
Tarun Singla on 2016-08-07 15:05:48
Column Level Security for reports
Ability to define rules at column level, to control the data fields available to different roles (e.g. employee salary visible to the users in finance roles only, while other employee details visible to other department roles).
on 2016-10-26 22:41:38
Load data from Office 365 Planner to PowerBI
Create an a connection withrowgh Office 365 Planner and Power Bi.